Halloween has come and gone
As much as I love Halloween, I love the day I can take all the decorations down more. Maybe it's because I know it won't be long before I can decorate for Christmas. At dinner last night Ben reminded me that last year I put up our tree before December (by only a few days though) so wondered if we could put it up today. I must admit I thought about it for a second. With Barr out of town for work it would actually be perfect timing, but I refrained. I have enough projects going on right now in our house.
I finally painted Brittany's room. It's pink and green to match her new bedspread. She had been asking for one "that's really thick and fluffy". I think she meant a down comforter so I looked all around and finally found a nice one for a good price at Overstock.com. The first night she kept coming in our room complaining that it was too noisy! Sometimes I wonder why I even try with her! It doesn't matter though since she sleeps in the extra bed in Brooke's room everynight anyway.
We also have been fixing up the main bathroom. It only took 2 weeks, but I finally finished stripping off the wallpaper. It feels good to now be completely wallpaper free in this home. I picked out the new cabinet, counter top and sink in 1 afternoon which really impressed Barr. While I was doing that, he was helping Brooke with her walking all around Home Depot. She took 8 steps alone! What's funny is that she's always laughing when she's walking. Sometimes I think she loses her balance because she's laughing so hard. We must have been quite the site to all the Home Depot employees as we would get all excited. The next day Barr took out the old sink and cabinet only to realize we had a lot of wall repairing to do. So that's why it's 6 days later and we are still washing our hands in the kitchen. This morning I was trying to finish preparing the walls but after working for over an hour and only ripping 1 baseboard off I realized there are some jobs that can wait for your husband to get home!
The Fairfields, some old friends from Indiana, drove over to visit with us during their fall break. After not seeing them for 6 or 7 months the kids were so excited to play together again. We always love it when people come visit us (hint, hint)! It rained a lot during the week, but in Ohio there has to be a typhoon to cancel soccer so they got to watch Brigham sliding around in the mud during his last soccer game.
Brittany started gymnastics last week and loves it. She has got to ring the bell during both of her classes so far (meaning she did something really well). Ben still doesn't want me to sign him up for any sports yet. I think we've come to the realization that not all boys need to be athletes. He is enjoying scouts and the piano...well maybe enjoying isn't the right word. I have taken on a few piano students here which has been fun for me. Brigham kept asking me to teach him which I would always reply with "not until you're older". Then one day I hear Brittany giving him a lesson. Before I knew it, he could play the first 6 songs in her book so I had to go against my rule and start teaching him. I figure I should do it while he's still excited about practicing!
Brooke is making some great progress with communicating. She can sign: more, all done, eat, drink, bye bye, tired, twinkle twinkle, sing (she made up her own for that one), Max (I'm trying not to be hurt that she will sign Max and not Mom!), head, tummy, and please. What's great is that I can tell she understands more then just the words she can sign. She's starting to recognize: brush your teeth, let's go, play the piano (which is one of her favorite things to do), are you hungry, take a bath, change your diaper, put in, and hug. She loves feeling like she can communicate so lately whenever she sees someone, she will do the sign for eat just because I think that's her favorite one. So everyone thinks she is always hungry.
That's probably more then you wanted to read, so I'll stop and let Barr attach some pictures. Hopefully all of this won't be old news by the time that happens!

Brigham's soccer team

"Boo at the Zoo" - the kids had fun at the zoo wearing their costumes.

Fun with the Fairfields

Trick or Treating
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