Springtime Fun
Even though it's only the middle of April, Easter seems so long ago. Oh wait, that's because it was so long ago! I'm sure whoever came up with the calendaring system of determining Easter didn't live in central Ohio. Our community egg hunt was scheduled for the same day as the Dublin St. Patrick's Day Parade. First of all, that's not fair to squeeze 2 holidays into the same month, let alone the same weekend! And then what about decorations? Do you hang up your green WELCOME clover on the front door or your Every Bunny's Welcome sign? Anyway, the Egg Hunt was canceled of course because of the cold, wet weather (Hello, it's March!), but we didn't know that until Barr had gotten all the kids ready and over there. To help ease their disappointment, after a trip to Wendy's they came home and did an indoor egg hunt. Brittany probably enjoyed that more anyway...organizing all the candy and coins into the right eggs and coming up with all the rules. They actually had so much fun, we had several more indoor egg hunts over the next few weeks. I'm sure we'll still be finding eggs into midsummer.
That weekend I had 2 good friends from Indiana drive over for a visit. It was fun having a girl's night out and then a whole Saturday to do some shopping. They had a little better driving weather than Brittany and I had the weekend before. The business I joined was having a training in Indianapolis. It was the perfect excuse for me to see some old friends. I didn't realize that when the weather men said a winter blizzard was coming, they really meant a blizzard. Brittany and I woke up really early Saturday morning knowing it might be a little slow at first. We could barely get out of our subdivision, but I was sure the main roads would be better. Then we could barely make it to the freeway, but I was sure those would be clearer. Once we were that far, I couldn't even see any of the exits to get off, or I would have. It was a complete white out. The only way I knew where the road was was to stay behind a semi. We went about 20 miles an hour for at least the first hour or two. We couldn't even pull over at the rest stops and knock the frozen ice off the windshield wipers because they were all blocked by semi trucks. We just prayed the whole way that we wouldn't die (and that Brittany wouldn't have to use the bathroom!). Once we crossed the border into Indiana, the snow stopped and we could see the road. It took us way too long to get there as usual, but we were grateful we made it safely. Brittany had a great time playing with her best friends and I had fun after my training catching up with my best friends!
And while you're at it, you can also watch a video of Barr and his work band at the following site:
Barr has always regretted selling his drum set after high school, but last weekend his dream came true when he finally bought a new one. Brittany likes telling her friends that her dad is in a rock band!
That was the beginning of our Spring Break. Barr and I took advantage of his parents willingness to fly out and watch our kids for the week so we took off to Cancun where it was beautiful and 80 degrees every day!
It was the most relaxing week of our lives. When we were there 8 years ago, we did a lot of the excursions, wanting to explore the islands, go snorkeling, tour the ancient ruins. This time we just wanted to lay on the beach, read, and drink Pina Coladas! And so that's what we did! We did venture down to the flea market one day where we learned how deceiving some Mexicans selling their wares can be. After bartering back and forth on several souvenir items, we went back to the hotel to find that the prices at the gift shop were even less than what they had promised was the best price in all of Mexico!
The kids had a wonderful time with Grandma and Grandpa who did such a fantastic job. I was a little concerned with how Brooke would react to us not being home for so long, but whenever she seemed to be missing us, she would just ask for "Pa Pa" and sitting on Grandpa Hill's lap made everything better! Here, two weeks later, she still asks about him every day.
Now that Spring Break is over, it's starting to look and feel like spring. We're ready for it!
Love,Barr, Becky and kids
Becky, we love your blogs! Please keep it up, that is the only way we keep up with our Ohio loved ones. You are a great mom and also a great writer. Glad you made it through the storm!We love you all!
Love your blog as always! Barr, you didn't tell us you had acquired a drum set...good for you! And good luck on your triathalon this weekend. Becky, your stories always make me laugh....Ben, Brittany, Brigham and Brooke, we miss all of you!
Becky, It sounds like as usual you are being a great mom.
Your snow drive sounds like me, I hate to let weather change my plans.
And I'm very jealous of your cancun trip.
Hey I loved watching the video of Barr at the drums again! Brings back lots of childhood memories..."Don't touch my drums!!!" Well, guess what...I have a drum set of my own in a little game called Rock Band. Now I am a drummer too! Love the blog as usual. You guys are awesome!
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