Merry Christmas 2008

Yes, I chose the lazy way out this year and opted for a Christmas blog instead of mailing out letters. I know it's not as much fun as opening up that envelope, but it simplified my life a little!
If you have kept up on reading our blog updates throughout the year, you probably have a good idea of what we've been up to. If you haven't, you can always go back and catch up! So as our Christmas edition, we made a crossword puzzle as a test to see how well you know the Hill's 2008.
Click here for the 2008 Hill Family Crossword Puzzle! You may need to click on output choice #3 on the left side of the page to view.
It's guaranteed to be more fun than taking down the Christmas tree.
Lots of Love,
Barr, Becky, Ben, Brittany, Brigham, Brooke
Answers to the Cross Word Puzzle Questions:
5 Location of Barr and Becky's 13th anniversary get-away vacation CANCUN
7 City Ben traveled to with a school group this summer BOSTON
8 Most recent name of Barr's work band DEAD FIRE ANTS
11 Our family reunion centered around this pageant HILL CUMORAH
15 Brittany's favorite place to go PET STORE
16 What Brooke wants to play with Brittany every day BARBIES
17 Favorite Video Game ROCK BAND
18 Ben's new passion GUITAR
1 Becky's new calling at church DEN MOTHER
2 Name of Becky's business MARKET AMERICA
3 Number of triathlons Barr competed in this year FOUR
4 Brigham's favorite thing to do at recess FOOTBALL
6 Brittany's favorite swimming stroke FREESTYLE
9 Ben's favorite merit badge earned at scout camp CLIMBING
10 Brooke's favorite word to say WHY
12 The only child still taking piano lessons BRIGHAM
13 Newest Member of the family to get glasses BROOKE
14 The item Brigham broke eight times GLASSES
15 Name of Brittany's pet guinea pig PUDDY
Labels: Hill Family Christmas 2008
Well, Grandpa finally got home and told me he got the crossword puzzle off your blog! So, now I cheated, went down the page and got the answers! I'll keep this for further use...not to be so dumb about my extended family. Thanks for the Christmas wish!
How clever! We enjoyed getting an update through having to do a crossword puzzle. We miss and love you guys.
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