A birthday, a race, and a holiday
I know it's only been a few weeks since my last post, but I need to get a more uplifting entry on the home page. I want to start this one with a huge THANK YOU. I have felt such an outpouring of love and concern from everyone. It really has helped us get through this difficult time. We are doing better. Each day I feel a little stronger and life is getting back to normal.
Since I still get out of breath just carrying the laundry basket up the stairs, it's a good thing I hadn't signed up to participate in the triathlon with Barr last Saturday at Miami University. I have been able to go with him the previous 2 years but this time he went solo. I'm not sure if he'll write a post about the particulars, but I'll brag for him and let you know that he placed first in his age group!
Speaking of eating, it is obvious that I am now the mother of a 12-year-old boy. No more kids meals or thinking 1 large pizza is enough! Just this morning Ben said he needs new gym shoes, again. I don't like this phase of buying new shoes and pants way before they have time to get worn out. He is constantly asking to measure how much more he needs to grow to pass me in height and actually, he's almost there.
Ben has really gotten good at the electric guitar. Every day after school, I'm lucky if I get a "Hi, Mom" before he's in the basement jamming away. He talked us all into performing at the Ward chili cook-off/talent show last month. He really wanted to play My Own Worst Enemy by Lit, but the lyrics weren't appropriate for a church event. Actually they aren't appropriate for any event, so we re-wrote them and called it I Really Want Some Chili. Barr played the drums, Brigham learned the bass part, and us girls tried to sing. The audience went wild when Ben dropped to his knees for his guitar solo. He was disappointed that during the performance he broke a string causing him to miss several notes, but we tried to assure him that no one even noticed and he still sounded great.
Here's a link to a video of the inaugural performance of "Ham & Eggs"
He doesn't have a love for dancing or at least not one that he would admit. I strongly encouraged (he would say forced) him to sign up for Dance Club at the middle school. It consisted of 4 evening dance sessions and then a final luncheon and dance where you could show off your skills. He would come home from each one saying it was torture. They made them dance with girls! We tried to convince him that in a few years he would love that opportunity, but I guess I should be happy he's not into that yet. A friend of mine posted a video she took at the dance on youtube. You can check it out at
Unfortunately our Spring Break was really early this year so it didn't coincide with any of our out-of-town friends or family. And with Barr conducting a traing all week at work we decided to just stay around here. We took advantage of the one nice weather day and spent it at the zoo. The other days we did exciting things like eye doctor and dentist appointments. We did make it to the movies and bowling and a few friend play dates. It was good that we didn't have any really big plans because Brigham was still getting over a week-long flu and had passed it to Brooke who had a fever for 5 straight days. At least Brigham had that week to do all of his make-up work from the school week before and I had Brittany home to help me with Brooke. I needed it with her screaming constantly. It's hard to be sick, but sometimes I think it's harder on those who aren't sick! The only time she wasn't yelling was when she was watching her favorite home video she calls "John" after her Uncle John. Too bad the part she likes is only about 12 minutes so our relief was always bri

at the zoo with our friends, the Griffiths
We were able to go to Cincinnati for Easter and be with 3 of my sisters and their families. Brooke was in heaven seeing so many cousins she "talks" about everyday.
Brooke is still terrified of the Easter Bunny so is making sure he's not around!
To be fair, I should probably say something about Brigham. All that comes to mind is the image of him pretending to be shooting things. Everything becomes a gun to him and everything is a target. We were playing Guesstures last night and the rest of the evening he carried the game's timing board around blowing up the house with it. Every car ride becomes a reinactment of World War II with the constant sound of machine guns going off from the back seat.
While Brigham is busy defending us from bad guys, Brittany is helping in other ways. When I was in the hospital, she kept a list of the names of everyone that helped our family and exactly what they brought over. When I was well enough to make it to the kitchen, she handed me the list and said it was so I would know who to write thank-you notes to. Of course she also made everyone cards complete with pictures of the things they brought. What would I do without her!
Brooke is starting to put 3 words together. Some of her common sentences are "More pizza please" (you can substitute pizza with cereal, cheese, or pretzels), "Bye Daddy work", "Mamma's house yea", and "hot bath Mitmey (Brittany)". Her ability to communicate is getting better all the time. But so are her preferences and wants and probably at a faster pace! When she's feeling really confident, she will walk up the stairs unassisted just using the railing, and she's even gone down a few times walking, not scooting. She's also running and side galloping and still making people smile everywhere she goes.
A teary goodbye to Max who is now happily living and barking with a retired couple
I should have given the balloon lady a bigger tip!
What an awesome family you have. I remember Brittany being very helpful with me and my new born twins who are now 4 four years ago when we were visiting. She is wonderful, as are all of your children. I know that Ben will thank you for "strongly encouraging" him to take dance lessons. I was comforted to hear that Brigham turns everything into guns. My three older boys, and now my little Owen (This morning he fought Thomas for his bubble sword... Owen won)are turning anything and everything into what they call, "Weapons"
Is Uncle John Barr's brother? That is so wonderful that Brooke admire's him so much, and his home video that was taken 6 years ago.
Thanks, Becky, for keeping up the Blog, and thanks, Barr, for letting us know when to tune in!! I'll have to check out some more of your "sites" you mentioned. Keep up the good work. I guess the reason you are such a NEAT family is that your started your "family" on my birthday!! Way to go!! Love you all!
Phew. You've been busy! Thanks for the update, the birthday call, and the phone conversation with Barr on Saturday. We love you! AMY
I love keeping up with your family. It is what all American families SHOULD be. You guys do a teriffic job.
Aunt Ruth
Becky, you will appreciate the thoughts of my mind tonite after Ali's 7th birthday party earlier where we had a "rock star" party and the cake was none other than the darling one you show Ben with in the picture here! I am glad to have completed this event - planning extravegent birthday parties is hard work! This was only on the heels of Isaac's 4th birthday party last Saturday... "you ask, what kind of party?" "A rock star party as well!" with you know what... the same guitar cake that time too but in a different color on the bottom! Ali had just gone to another party the week before whose mom had made this same cake! It sure is getting around! I have to say... your 'strings' on the guitar are much straighter than any I was able to come up with! Mine were all twirly and loopy! I love reading what you are up to! Thanks for the update!
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