Lead off
This is our lead off installment of "The Hills are Alive" blog. Becky has been feeling guilty for not writing emails or sending letters to her family and friends. Her sister, Laurel, has been good at maintaining a blog site ever since she and her family took an international assignment to China. I think that has inspired her to create this.
Anything you want to add honey?
Hi everyone. I just sent Barr and the kids downstairs so hopefully I could have a few minutes to write something sensible. I wish I could do a soundbyte right now so that you could hear all the noise. Brooke, who has been so quite the first 2 years of her life, has found her vocal chords. She is doing what I call the witch screech. Brittany is jumping up and down in the kitchen, saying "boing, boing" or something like that, making Brooke break out in her hysterical scream. Ben is yelling--something about how the house is trying to kill him. I think he hit his head on a door. Brigham is still in the den with me looking at a scrapbook asking way too many questions for me to be able to concentrate on this! When I was thinking of starting a blog it was at 1:00 in the morning with just me and my thoughts. I should have gotten out of bed and typed it then. I'm sure most of my entries will be at odd hours of the night since I have been suffering from insomnia for several months now. But you'll have to bear with a scatterbrain on this one!
I love fall! It has been the most beautiful week here. My mom drove up Friday night bringing Austin and Adam, two nephews, with her. The kids had a great time with Brittany having just as much fun as the boys dueling Yugioh cards and sword fighting. We made quite the cheering section for Brigham's soccer game Saturday where he scored 7 goals. What made me the proudest though was that after I told him to be sure he was passing the ball to his teammates, he didn't score again but was always looking for someone to kick to.
Later that night, Mom watched the kids for us while Barr and I went and saw Superman Returns which we were highly disappointed with. There were some moral and political issues in it that really bothered us. We then took advantage of our free babysitter by going to a party at a neighbor's house. Thanks Mom!
The kids are enjoying school--especially Brigham who comes home everyday saying, "this was my best day of kindergarten". Brittany always fills me in on who got in trouble, or how the teacher wasn't fair, or how great the corn dogs were. With Ben, I'm lucky to get a quick "Hi Mom" as he runs off again either to his room to play Game Boy or back outside to play with a friend. They have all made some really good friends in our new neighborhood in the last few months. I'm still working on that with me!
I guess that's enough for now. I'm missing out on the Game of Life downstairs (Sponge Bob edition!). I hope they save me some popcorn....
Write ya later.

Getting on the school bus.

Ben and Brittany's first day of school.

Brigham getting off the bus after his first day of kindergarten.

You give Brooke an M&M and this is what you get!