Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Memorial Day!

That's always the sign that summer's here...and that racing season is in full swing! Surprisingly I've actually participated with Barr in 2 of the 3 races in the last month. Don't get too excited; they were just the easy runs that I raced in. I was able to go and cheer him on though again this year at the triathlon at Miami University. That had been his first tri last year, and he was so much better prepared this time. Having the right equipment, a better feel for nutrition and hydration, knowing how to cut time in transitions and of course a year of training all made this race very successful and fun for him. He finished strong and smiling, and I had to laugh when the first thing he said to me was that he was sorry for enjoying it so much because that just means many more to come!

It made for a fun weekend for the kids too. My mom had brought a few cousins and met us at our hotel in Oxford where the kids enjoyed swimming before she took them all home with her for the night. We didn't think they would want to get up at 5:00 in the morning with us. Maybe when they're a little older they can help cheer on their crazy dad!

We were back in Cincinnati 2 weeks later for the Flying Pigs 10 K race. We had originally signed up for that one thinking it would be a another fun excuse to go visit our family down there. Unexpected things come up, like Barr being called into the bishopric, and plans change. His parents were so good to fly out again (after just being here the previous month) to help out with that ordination. There were enough fun things going on that they decided to stay for 10 days to get in on as much of the action as they could. They were able to take the kids to the Elementary School Festival while Barr and I drove in the pouring rain to Cincinnati. Luckily it was just a cool drizzle the next morning at the beginning of the race, and had completely stopped by the end. It was a different atmosphere running past people with pig tails (not the braids in the hair but actual curly pink tails pinned onto their shorts) and pig noses and hats then the atmosphere 2 weeks later at the Komen Race for the Cure in Columbus where we were running passed people with the names of cancer survivors and victims on their shirts.

In Barr's other spare time he has really been enjoying playing the drums in his work band. They have been the entertainment at a couple of work functions. Brooke and I snuck into the Scotts' "Sacrifice to the Weather gods" party so we could see them perform. Here's a video of their band playing. I was really impressed at how well they sounded up on stage, much better than in the basement. I think Barr's going to put some footage on this blog if you want to listen.

Kid update...

Ben is trying to earn his biking merit badge. While he likes riding his bike around the neighborhood, he hasn't really learned yet to enjoy the longer rides, especially not the 25 milers. He's dreading the big 50 mile one coming up and doesn't believe Barr when he tries to assure him that no one has ever died biking 50 miles...not yet anyway! He's still addicted to the Wii, so I'm just hoping there's a college scholarship for Guitar Hero! Ben also had his final orchestra concert for the year. What a difference a few months makes. The kids made a lot of improvement from the first concert before Christmas to their last one of the year.

Brittany is excited for summer vacation. She recently had her awards day for school. She received a "three in one" award - the "Optimism, Work Ethic, and Learning" award. Apparently her teacher felt she best exemplified all three attributes this year in school. We are very proud of Brittany.

Brigham has started baseball. We've realized that most boys begin before they are 7, so he's had a little catching up to do, but Barr's had fun helping him. I was laughing at the first practice scrimmage when he was on first base and didn't know he was supposed to run when the batter hit the ball. Everyone was running passed him and he was looking around clueless! That just reminded me how we often take for granted that kids know certain things like that you need to run to second base! He's getting it. Here's a link to a video of Brigham playing ball. At 1st grade awards he received the "Best Team Player" and wasn't sure what that meant since you don't play baseball at school. His teacher told me he's the nicest kid she's had. He's always looking out for the underdog and if there's ever someone that doesn't have a partner he always volunteers to be with them. Of course Brittany then said that he learned that from her!

Brooke is talking so well. She now tries to imitate lots of words and loves saying them. Her favorite is still people and she has an incredible memory for their names. She definitely didn't get that from me. She talks about Mia and Abbey from school ALL THE TIME! I don't know if she really likes them or just that their names are easy to say. She also loves to say Hi to everyone she sees. At a meeting with the school therapists they told us she is like a movie star at school...all the kids know her and want to say hello. That's the benefit of having 3 older siblings at the same school. It takes them 10 minutes to walk down the hall because she has to wave and smile at everyone. It's also cute how she raises her hand and says "me, me" whenever we ask who wants something or does she want to go somewhere. She's also doing stairs all by herself now!

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Which superhero are you?

Barr's superhero status. My sister Emily had this on her blog so I decided to try it. Here's what the site says for me.

You are The Flash
Fast, athletic and flirtatious.

The Flash 70%
Iron Man 69%
Hulk 65%
Green Lantern 55%
Batman 50%
Robin 45%
Spiderman 30%
Superman 25%

Click here to take the "Which Superhero am I?" quiz...