June Update
Brigham and I were just enjoying a nice cool rain on the screened in porch when he said, "Why has it rained every day so far this summer?" While it really hasn't rained every day, in his mind it has. We've gotten caught in it a few times at the pool or the park. And yesterday Scott's had their company picnic at Zoombezi Bay, a new water park next to the zoo, and after only going down 2 water slides the storm blew in, blowing us out! I had to remind Brigham that we still have 2 months of summer break left and it will get hot and dry...I hope.
I was worried that I made a big mistake when Ben and Brittany came home from the first day of swim team in tears saying they almost died and I was torturing them. I tried to convince them that it would get easier and once it was warmer than 60 degrees they might even enjoy it! They agreed to finish out the week and then we'd make a decision if they could quit. Honestly I wasn't sure that I could handle another day of their nonstop complaining about it so I was very relieved when Ben came home the second day almost smiling and Brittany ran in the door saying she absolutely loved it! It has been a lot of work, but it's also been a good experience for them.
You can check out their blog but it might be hard to know if it's them in some of the pictures since they all look similar in their suits! The site is: http://muirfieldmuirfins.blogspot.com/
I felt bad for Ben the first meet. He had a terrible sunburn from an end of the year 5th grade pool party; he had slept on his neck funny and couldn't move his head; and for some reason his team swimsuit hadn't come in yet even though we had ordered it back in April! So he was at a little bit of a disadvantage not being able to turn his head and having his baggy swim trunks that Barr says are like swimming while pulling a parachute (but that's from the man that shaves his legs before his swimming races!). He survived that only to miss the next 4 meets because of scout camp and an ear infection. We're hoping these last 2 weeks will be positive enough for him to want to do it again next year.
Ben wasn't planning on attending scout camp because he's not 12 yet, but when one of the boys had to back out at the last minute, and Barr had to be there the whole week since they couldn't get enough Dads to go, he said Ben could come along. Again, timing wasn't the best for him, getting an ear infection the first day and having to come home for a day. After getting on some antibiotics he was able to go back. He had fits of intense pain off and on the rest of the week, but was still able to enjoy many of the activities and complete 6 merit badges. The last night, during a special campfire program each of the directors of the camp recognized a handful of scouts that they felt best exemplified the scouting spirit. Ben was 1 of 3 scouts in the entire camp recognized by the directors of the climbing area of the camp.
The highlight of the month for Brittany and Brigham was getting eyeglasses.
We laugh that Brooke is the only one in our family that doesn't wear glasses (unless you count from 10 months to 2 years-old). We're hoping our defective vision gene was one that got deleted on her chromosome 9! She has gotten used to the summer routine easily. She likes having more time to play Barbies with Brittany and she loves the pool. She has outgrown the baby pool and now only wants to stand in the big pool where the water is up to her chin. She still will only play with her watering can, filling it and pouring it out on her hand over and over again. I learned the hard way to never leave that home! She doesn't understand "Mommy forgot it". She also doesn't understand why she has to get out of the pool when they blow the whistle for adult swim. I am usually all for following the rules, but when I'm struggling with a 15 minute tantrum and everyone has to suffer through it, I think what harm would it do to just let her stand in the water? Hopefully I didn't offend any former lifeguards with that comment!
We're pretty excited that there is now a deletion 9q.34 website forum. There are about 30 families registered on it from all over the world. It's been good to read about the other children and compare and contrast them with Brooke. I am often reminded how lucky we are that she is so healthy! You need to get permission from the administrator to access the site, but if any of you would be interested just let me know.
I think I've written too much already so I'll have to do a Barr and Becky update next month. I'm sure you can't wait!
Ben's fifth grade award, "The Resident Professor"
Brittany as Thomas Jefferson
Brooke saying goodbye to her bus drivers