Catch-up entry
Several weeks ago I realized it had been almost 3 months since I last updated our blog, so I spent way too long getting caught up only to have it lost somewhere in cyperspace before it published. I was so upset and devastated that my hours of hard work were gone that I swore never to blog again. Enough time has past, that the painfulness of that experience has dulled. Not enough though to try and retype all the fun events, but I will post some pictures.
Our trip to LA
Pink's hotdogs was the biggest disappointment. We can't believe we waited over an hour for gross dogs!
Lights at the LA temple
Some neighbors had us over to decorate gingerbread houses. They were too cute to eat (for the first 30 minutes anyway!).
The week after Christmas, we had a super fun family reunion in St. George with Barr's family. We used the "holidays" theme that my family had done the year before. We fit Christmas, New Year's, Valentine's Day, Easter, Birthdays, Halloween, and Thanksgiving all in 7 days!

Unfortunately we had to have our van towed for part of the trip home. That helped convince us to sell it last month.

Barr's family spent a few days at our home after St. George. With 14 guests, we were glad they didn't mind sleeping on the floor.

Brittany turned 11 January 26th
Brigham turned 9 January 27th

Brigham's bowling party
Drinking bear blood to join the den.
We loved having my parents visit for a week, and the kids loved that they were here for their birthdays.
Barr's family spent a few days at our home after St. George. With 14 guests, we were glad they didn't mind sleeping on the floor.

Everyone always asks how we are liking it out here and if we have adjusted. I guess the easy answer is we really like it, and yes we have adjusted. The hardest part for me has been getting used to Barr traveling so much. The kids are happy in their schools. Brigham isn't crying every morning anymore, which is good! Brooke has already been in 3 different schools, but we are confident that we finally have it right. She also graduated from nursery in December and is loving being a Sunbeam in Primary. Ben and Brittany are enjoying swim team and Brigham's baseball team won 24-4 yesterday! Since I'm out of pictures I'll stop typing since nobody reads the words anyway, right?
Until next month...who am I kidding!